Think about it……..

Now What Now? 

What’s the point of a man expressing his feelings about a woman if he had NO intentions on acting on them? Wouldn’t it be best to keep them to yourself? So many men look to blame a woman for their own shortcomings and it’s annoying. Like if you are feeling a person but don’t say anything to that person, then HOW is it the woman’s fault that she didn’t read your mind? It’s exhausting trying to baby grown men.  

Helplessly Hopeless

I have come to the conclusion that dating in Atlanta is a myth. There is no way in the world anything should be as hard as it is to find a mate in the metro area!!

Yes, I’ve done the P.O.F.’s and Tinder thing, but have you seen the options???? UGH!!! And with the increasing rate of females using these “dating sites” for selling themselves, neither app lasted on my phone very long. I am honestly considering just paying for eHarmony! I mean, if someone is paying $50 for a membership they have to be serious right?

Or maybe I should just go back to hoping I meet someone at the grocery store or mall. I’m not a huge clubber and I don’t think I’d want to meet anyone out of the club anyway. I am soooooo close to throwing in the towel it’s not funny.

Who knows, I heard celibacy isn’t all that bad…….


He says he wants this to be his last. 

I can’t help but feel he’s my first and my last. 

Struggle life…..TURN UP! 

Lately I’ve noticed way to many people wanting to claim a life of struggle or turn their perfectly “normal” life into a struggle because it seems like the “in” thing to do. Everyone wants to claim a hustle, claim a “trap” why? Because it makes your life more interesting to other people. Duh!! Like if you’re asked about your job, saying you Trap at club “ABC” is more interesting than saying you do customer service or data entry or any other normal 9-5 that isn’t as exciting. 

But the problem with the struggle is this: When mastered the smoke and mirrors game is on point. When played with it will choke the life out of you. 

Instagram can make anything look shiny and appealing. Whether you’re hawking waist trainers or busting out pole tricks. What Instagram DOESNT show you is the price that comes with that struggle. And believe me the struggle loves passing out invoices. 

That invoice can be for your sanity, your personal safety, your values, your beliefs, your self-worth and let’s not forget your dignity. 

From someone who has be caught up in the struggle please, stick to the rivers and the lakes that your used to! The struggle will every once in a while allow a couple of the chosen few to escape and escape on top. But for every ONE that escapes unscathed, 1000 more are consumed and destroyed by it. 

But by all means: TURN UP! 

Who left the door open?

Some doors, once closed, are meant to stay that way. No matter how much we may want to go back and right a wrong or rekindle a friendship or relationship. Some doors are just meant to remained closed. Just remember you closed it or it was closed for a reason. You may not understand or even like the reason, hence the desire to reopen it, but it’s not worth it. Because once it’s open again, no matter how pure your intentions, you will ALWAYS be reminded in some way, shape or form of why it was closed it in the first place. Eyes forward. The only thing that happens when you walk while looking backwards is an increase in the chances of tripping and falling. 

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

When it comes to love, let’s face it; some of us can be as shallow as a bottle cap of water. 

Everyone has their “list” of requirements: 

Him: Big ass, long hair, small waist, pretty, can cook, clean, sex on demand. 

I mean the list goes on and on! 

Her: tall, nice body, fine, dreds, tattoos (well maybe that’s mine) good job, no baby mama drama, a car, etc. 

But in reality, is this what love looks like? Or are we trying to put a face on something that has none? They say you can’t control who you fall in love with, and to some degree I agree; but I do believe you can control who you DONT fall in love with. 

It’s all in how you’re looking for love. If you’re looking with your eyes you’re always going to get a false positive with love. I can SEE Shemar Moore and THINK I’m in love, but what does my heart see?? 

I believe true love goes deeper than looks and goes directly to what the heart and soul sees and feels. However, many don’t want to listen and often times miss out on “the one” because he wasn’t packaged the way they wanted. To that all I can say is, GROW UP!! 

I am not exempt, I’ve felt this way at times. But I’m learning that it not always about the looks or laundry list of how I think he should be, but it is about what my heart needs him to be. 

What Love Truly Is….Do You Know?

All I wanted to do was love you……she wants to hurt you

I wanted to whisper in your ear how much I care about you….she wants to argue

There is nothing any other man could do to make me disrespect you…..she jokes about you with her other boo

In my mind, my body is yours for the taking….she just wants to give to see what she can take while spending your money, her affection so fake

Your well-being, your happiness your comfort come first….to her she wants no part of you unless you put her first

I look in your eyes and I see a glimpse of forever…….she looks and your eyes and it’s, whatever

Your touch, your smile, and the gentleness in your kiss all things I live for….things she doesn’t even miss

The passion in the love making so intense we don’t care if we’re not home alone……no passion from her to her you’re a stepping stone

Building you up and having your back, just a few ways of showing how much I love you and that’s a fact

She tears you down and it’s a game to her, nothing but entertainment yet you stake claim with her.

I hand you my heart trusting and full, but instead you’d rather deal with her and all of her bull.

You hurt me effortlessly all while claiming you want love all the while not knowing what love truly is

Because if you knew, I mean really knew, then you would know I am love and I just walked away from you.


Maybe One Day…..

Maybe one day I will understand why.

Maybe one day it will all make sense. The lies, the promises broken and spent.

Maybe one day I can shed my armor exposing the delicate yet vulnerable heart within

Maybe one day.

Maybe one day it will all make sense and time spent will be time well spent. Lust won’t be dressed as love and forever won’t come with an expiration date.

Maybe one day all the pieces will come together, creating a portrait of something better.

Maybe one day they’ll be no poisonous touches and deadly kisses, no twisted motives weaved in well-wishes.

Maybe one day all the masks will come off and everyone will be seen just for who they aren’t

Maybe one day I will truly be love struck, but knowing me……..that’ll be the day that I won’t give a fuck!


If You See Him….

tell him I miss him…..

If you see him…..

tell him I love him…..

If you see him….

tell him I’d give my all to have one more chance…..